Jaime F Bravo, MD
Curriculum Vitae
I am a specialist in rheumatology and osteoporosis, graduated from The University of Chile Medical School, in 1961.
I started my studies at St. George’s College, Santiago. In 1954, I entered the University of Chile Medical School. I started my rheumatology training at the San Juan de Dios Hospital, in Santiago in 1960. I worked in internal medicine and rheumatology at the hospitals and in private practice in Santiago and later I formed the Rheumatology Departments both of the Trudeau Hospital (1963) and the Police Hospital (1969).
From December 1964 till December 1966 I did a Fellowship in Rheumatology at The University of Colorado Medical Center. After that returned to Santiago, as staff member of the Rheumatology Department of the San Juan de Dios Hospital (1967-1970).
In 1970 I went back to the USA, to make a Residency in Internal Medicine at Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver, Colorado, for three years. The last year I was the Chief Resident. From 1974 till 1998 I participated in teaching at The University of Colorado Medical Center and at several hospitals in Denver (University Hospital, Veterans Medical Center, Saint Joseph, Saint Luke’s and Rose Medical Center) and at The Arthritis Foundation. In 1998 I was nominated “Rheumatology Clinical Professor”, culminating this way my teaching career. read more
Doctor Bravo’s hobbies.
This year (2014) Dr. Bravo went
fishing in the South of Chile, in the Allipen River.
In this opportunity he fished this beautiful big Salmon.
During his recent holidays, Dr. Bravo fulfilled one of his lifelong dreams, catching a big one! This Chinoux salmon weighed more than 34 lbs. and was caught in the lakes region in the south of Chile. Región de los Lagos, Chile, April 2010.
Marlin fished by Dr. Bravo in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, several years ago.
Rupanco, Los Lagos Region, South of Chile 1992
Laguna San Rafael, Aysén Region, South of Chile 2006
Full Moon in Algarrobo, Valparaíso Region, Chile 2019
Stormy day in Algarrobo, Valparaíso Region, Chile 2018
Homage to my father, Fernando Bravo Escobar, MD.
A superior man, artist, interested in many aspects of knowledge, a true Renaissance man was my father, Prof. Dr. Fernando Bravo Escobar. Multifacetarias activities, highlighted in all. He was a doctor, teacher, researcher, farmer, Rotary, painter, sculptor, political, seismologist, archaeologist, writer and poet, as well as being a great parent. Besides this and above all things was an optimistic, friendly, charismatic, sociable who enjoyed life and enjoyed nobility. Read More