Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
International Colloqium
Paris, France, March 19th, 2016
Colloque Syndrome
d'Ehlers-Danlos, Paris, Francia, 19 Marzo del 2016
Dieu - Paris, France
Prof. Bravo was invited
to participate in the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome International Colloquium held at
the Creteil University in Paris, France. In this opportunity he presented a
poster explaining his Visual Aids for a better Diagnose of the Ehlers-Danlos
type III Syndrome, where with the help of the pictures he has gathered
during the last 17 years of study, he shows how vital the visual aid can be
given the obvious common characteristics these patients present. SEE POSTER.
Once again Prof. Bravo states in
this presentation how delicate it can be to leave this condition
undiagnosed, and that his visual experience can most definitely help how to
suspect this diagnosis.
Worldly known specialist, such as
Pradeep Chopra MD (Pain Clinic, USA), Prof. Anne Gompel (Ginecologist,
France), Prof. Rodney Grahame (Rhemuatologist, UK), Marco Castori MD
(Clinical Genetist, Italy), Neuseli Marino ( Brasil), among other, were also
invited to assist.
Prof. Claude Hamonet, who organized
the Colloquium, talked about these patients possible complications, and
Antonio Bulbena (Psyquiatrist, Spain) and the Chilean psychologist, Carolina
Baeza-Velasco, talked about the importance of anxiety in this syndrome.