Traducción del Abstract:
Estudio Clínico
de las Alteraciones Hereditarias del Tejido Connectivo en una población
chilena. Síndrome de Hiperlaxitud Articular y Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos
Objetivo: Demostrar la alta frecuencia y falta del
diagnóstico del Síndrome de Hiperlaxitud Articular (SHA) y la seriedad del
Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos Vascular (SEDV).
Método: Doscientos cuarenta y nueve pacientes chilenos con
Alteraciones Hereditarias de la Fibra Colágena (AHFC) y 64 controles se
evaluaron para el diagnóstico de SHA y SEDV, usando el criterio validado de
Brighton comparado con el criterio tradicional de Beighton. Además se estudió
la presencia de escleras celestes, las que se graduaron en leves, moderadas o
Resultados: La frecuencia de AHFC fue de 35%, con los
diagnósticos de SHA en un 92,4%, SEDV en 7,2% y Osteogénesis Imperfecta (OI)
en 0,4%. Se demostró que el Score de
Beighton fue insuficiente para el diagnóstico de SHA (negativo en 35% de los
sujetos), por otra parte, el Criterio de Brighton fue positivo (diagnóstico
de SHA) en el 39% de los Controles.
Escleras celestes fue un hallazgo frecuente, se les
encontró en el 97% de los pacientes con SHA y en el 94% de los pacientes con SEDV.
Se observó Osteopenia moderada/osteoporosis en el 50% de los pacientes
con SEDV y en el 26% de los SHA. Disautonomia, dislipidemia y escoliosis
fueron más frecuentes en los pacientes con SEDV que en los pacientes con SHA.
Se identificó la Facie Típica de SHA y el Signo de “la mano afirmando
la cabeza”. El fenómeno de Raynaud fue extremadamente raro en los pacientes
con SHA (2%). En los pacientes con SEDV se encontró ruptura del útero grávido
en el 12% y aneurisma cerebrales el 6%. El Neumotórax espontáneo fue más
frecuente en los pacientes con SEDV (11%) que en los pacientes con SHA
Conclusión: El SHA es muy frecuente, pero generalmente no es
diagnosticado. El Score de Beighton es insuficiente para el diagnóstico del SHA.
Recomendamos que los médicos aprendan a reconocer la facie típica del SHA y
de ser capaces de identificar las escleras celestes. También proponemos que
se use rutinariamente un criterio validado de hipermovilidad. Se requiere
mayor investigación para determinar el porqué de la alta prevalencia del SHA en Chile.
Research Article
Clinical study of hereditary disorders of
connective tissues in a Chilean population. Joint hypermobility
syndrome and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Bravo J F, Wolff C. Arthritis Rheum 2006; 54:515-523
Jaime F. Bravo 1 *, Carlos Wolff 2 |
1Clinica Arauco and San Juan de Dios Hospital,
Santiago, Chile |
email: Jaime F. Bravo ( Web Page: |
*Correspondence to Jaime F. Bravo, Luis Thayer Ojeda 0115, Of. 303, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Objective |
demonstrate the high frequency and lack of diagnosis of joint hypermobility
syndrome (JHS) and the seriousness of vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
(VEDS). |
hundred forty-nine Chilean patients with hereditary disorders of the
connective tissues (CTDs) and 64 control subjects were evaluated for the
diagnoses of JHS and VEDS using the validated Brighton criteria, as
compared with the traditional Beighton score. In addition, the presence of
blue sclera was determined, with the degree of intensity graded as mild,
moderate, or marked. |
frequency of hereditary CTDs was 35%, with diagnoses of JHS in 92.4% of
subjects, VEDS in 7.2%, and Osteogenesis Imperfecta in 0.4%. The Beighton
score proved to be insufficient for the diagnosis of JHS (35% of subjects
had a negative score), whereas the Brighton criteria yielded positive
findings (a diagnosis of JHS) in 39% of control subjects. Blue sclera was
frequent, being identified in 97% of JHS patients and 94% of VEDS patients.
Moderate osteopenia/osteoporosis was observed in 50% of patients with VEDS
and 26% of those with JHS. Dysautonomia, dyslipidemia, and scoliosis were
more frequent in VEDS patients than in JHS patients. The typical JHS facial
appearance and the |
is very frequent but usually undiagnosed. The Beighton score is an
insufficient method for JHS diagnosis. We recommend that physicians learn
to recognize the typical facial features of JHS and be able to identify
blue sclera. We also propose that validated hypermobility criteria be
routinely used. Further research is needed to determine why the prevalence
of JHS is so high in Chile. |
Received: 17 June 2005; Accepted: 13 October 2005
Hippocrates first described hypermobile joints 2,400 years ago, but
the condition of joint hypermobility was not described as a medical problem
until 1967, by Kirk et al ([1]).
Although many people have hypermobile joints, the general public as well as
many physicians consider hypermobility to be a curiosity rather than a
potentially serious medical problem ([2][3]).
The prevalence of hypermobility is difficult to evaluate because it varies with
age, sex, and ethnic background and because multiple criteria are being used.
It is more frequent in female subjects and children, is more frequent in
Asian than in black populations, and is more frequent in both Asian and black
populations than in whites. It is generally agreed that it exists in 10% of individuals
in Western populations ([4])
and up to 25% in Iraqis ([5]).
Most cases of joint hypermobility are pauciarticular rather than generalized,
which makes the diagnosis more difficult. Because of this, many people are
unaware of having lax joints ([6]).
In spite of this laxity in the joints, most people with hypermobility do not
experience joint or musculoskeletal pain.
Joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS) is defined as hypermobility of the
joints in conjunction with symptoms. The criteria of the Beighton score ([7])
were the first used to recognize hypermobility, and this method has been in
use for 30 years. The Beighton score involves evaluation of only a few joints
and does not include other involved systems. Hereditary disorders of the
connective tissues (CTDs) are attributable to a generalized genetic
alteration of the collagen fibers, and most tissues can be affected, as
evidenced by the presence of a variety of articular and nonarticular signs
and symptoms. The classic forms of hereditary CTDs include, among others,
Marfan syndrome (MFS), vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (VEDS), and
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). These conditions are rare ([8]),
with a range of frequency of 1 in 5,000 for EDS, 1 in 12,000 for MFS, and 1
in 100,000 for OI. In fact, the number of EDS subtypes has been reduced from
10 to 6.
The low frequency of the classic hereditary CTDs would explain why, in
our clinic, we have seen only 1 patient with MFS and only 1 with OI. We have
not seen any cases of EDS type VI (oculo-scoliotic) among our patients.
Moreover, we have seen only 2 patients with the classic-type EDS (formerly,
types I and II) (not included in this study), which are characterized by
significant fragility of the skin, atrophic scars, and extreme joint laxity
Some patients with hereditary CTDs have a predominance of vascular problems,
while others have osteoporosis, but all of them share the feature of joint
hypermobility, which ranges in severity. Most authors believe that JHS is the
same condition as the Ehlers-Danlos hypermobility syndrome, previously called
EDS type III, and that it is a forme fruste of the latter hereditary CTD
since it has many features of EDS, MFS, and OI, but to a lesser degree ([2]).
There is considerable overlap between the clinical features of all of these
conditions. According to some investigators (for example, Masi A: personal
communication), JHS is a polymorphic variant in the hereditary CTD
Hereditary CTDs are manifested by alterations of the extracellular
matrix of the connective tissues. It is known that almost 195 proteins are
involved in connective tissue metabolism. Mutations in the genes that encode
these proteins can cause more than 200 hereditary CTD conditions ([9]).
The knowledge that patients with JHS can have serious problems in other
systems in addition to the joints resulted in the revision of the Beighton
score. The reason for this systemic involvement is that collagen is an
important part of most tissues.
In 1998, Grahame et al ([10])
presented the validated diagnostic criteria for JHS known as the Brighton
criteria. These criteria include not only hypermobility of the joints (also
recognized by the Beighton score), but also take into consideration
alterations in other tissues. Use of the Brighton criteria has facilitated
the detection of patients with JHS who usually go undiagnosed in most parts
of the world. Guma et al reported a frequency of hypermobility in 25% of
patients in a rheumatology clinic in Spain ([11]).
In 2000, JHS was diagnosed in 35% of the patients seen in our rheumatology
unit ([12]).
Grahame noted that JHS is probably the most frequent cause of pain reported
in rheumatological practice in the UK (33%) and is rarely diagnosed.
Moreover, Grahame suggested, and we agree, that physicians do not give this
condition its proper importance ([2]).
Since JHS has Autosomal dominant inheritance, we need to consider this
diagnosis if the patient has a family member with similar problems. There are
no biochemical or genetic markers to confirm the diagnosis. In contrast, VEDS
can be confirmed by biochemical or molecular analysis ([13]).
However, in MFS, in spite of the existence of a genetic fibrillin 1
alteration at 15q21, its diagnosis continues to be based on clinical features
In general, genetic alterations of collagen fiber predispose an individual to
pain and instability of the joints, with a tendency to develop early
osteoarthritis, early osteoporosis, and complications in many other tissues
attributable to collagen fragility. Because of these multiple problems as
well as chronic pain and fatigue, and because treatment is often ineffective,
patients frequently have associated anxiety and fear, and, sometimes,
depression. These patients can also have genetically determined phobias and
panic crisis, as described by Bulbena et al ([15][16]).
VEDS is characterized by ecchymoses and vascular problems and can
produce not only cerebral aneurysms or arterial rupture, but also other
serious complications such as spontaneous pneumothorax, rupture of the colon,
or rupture of the gravid uterus. Pope et al noted that this condition was
attributable to the absence or reduction of type III collagen, which is an
essential component of distensible organs such as the arteries, gut, uterus,
or lung, resulting in wear and tear of such organs and rupture in early adult
life ([17]).
For this reason, it is imperative to clinically determine whether the patient
has family members with JHS or VEDS.
The purpose of the present study was to increase awareness of JHS, as
well as its associated chronic morbidity and poor quality of life, and to
demonstrate the high frequency of JHS as compared with the less frequent, but
more dangerous, VEDS. It is important to point out that both of these
conditions usually go undiagnosed. JHS is not as benign as it was first thought,
due to the fragility of many tissues, and it may produce severe complications
such as poor cicatrisation, recurrent arthralgias, tendinitis, subluxations,
early disc disease, early myopia, early varicose veins, hernias, genital or
rectal prolapse, and even spontaneous pneumothorax. It can also produce early
osteoarthritis, early osteoporosis, dysautonomia, and dyslipidemia.
Two hundred forty-nine consecutive patients with hereditary CTDs were
studied over a period of 2 years, starting in January 2001, in the
rheumatology office of a private clinic in Santiago, Chile. They constituted
35% of the 712 patients seen in that period. Nineteen patients with
concomitant arthritis were excluded from the study. A total of 64 adult subjects
who were medical and paramedical personnel constituted the control group. We
defined each classic hereditary CTD (MFS, EDS, and OI) using the standard
criteria reported in the literature ([14][18][19][20]).
In cases of overlap between VEDS and JHS, we classified them as VEDS.
All patients and controls were evaluated by the same examiner (JFB),
using the Brighton criteria for diagnosis. For one of the criteria, we used
the term marfanoid habitus as defined by the Brighton criteria ([10]).
Criteria were applied according to the following definitions. 1) For
dysautonomia, we included a patient if he or she had at least 3 of the
following symptoms: tiredness/sleepiness, chronic fatigue,
dizziness/occasional syncope, marked cold intolerance, or inability to stand
for some time without moving the feet (the tilt table test was not regularly
performed). 2) For dyslipidemia, we included a patient if 1 of the following
features was present: significant alteration in serum cholesterol level,
elevated tryglicerides, or current treatment for dyslipidemia. 3) For nasal
cartilage abnormality, we included a patient if he or she had 1 of the
following criteria: presence of a nodule at the union of the bone and
cartilage on the dorsum of the nose, deviation of the nasal cartilage, or
previous surgery on the nose for aesthetic reasons (with exclusion of
The frequency of blue sclera in the Chilean general population was
evaluated in a group of 70 white subjects whose mean age and sex proportions
were similar to those of the control group. We used our already published
grading system ([21])
to evaluate the degree of intensity of blue sclera (Figure 1).
This was as follows: + = mild intensity, distinguishable only at close
examination; ++ = moderate intensity, identifiable from across the table; +++
= marked intensity, identifiable at a distance of 4-5 meters. The results
were analyzed statistically with the chi-square and Fisher's exact tests.
1. Blue
sclera in patients with joint hypermobility syndrome (see ref.[21]). |
The study comprised 249 patients with hereditary CTDs, distributed as
follows: JHS 92%, VEDS 7%, and OI 0.4%. The age range of the JHS patients was
13-84 years, with a median of 45 years, similar to that of the 64 control
subjects (age range 13-80 years, median age 43 years). VEDS patients had a
median age similar to that of the JHS patients (median age 47 years, age
range 31-70 years) and were a little older than the controls. Of the 249
patients, 80.3% were women; more VEDS patients than JHS patients were women
(94% versus 79%).
Among the control subjects, 23% had positive diagnostic findings by
the Beighton score, and 39% had positive findings by the Brighton criteria.
We compared the frequency of a positive Beighton score in controls with that
in JHS and VEDS patients, and found that 65% of JHS patients had a positive
score and 17% of VEDS patients had a positive score (P < 0.05). As
stated in the literature ([20]),
VEDS patients were shown to have less severe hypermobility of the joints
compared with JHS patients. There were significant differences in
hypermobility between JHS patients and controls in only the
metacarpo-phalangeal (MCP) joints and hands placed flat on the floor.
Thirty-nine percent of controls had positive diagnostic findings by
the Brighton criteria (P < 0.0001). Using these criteria, Table 1
shows a comparison of the frequency of signs and symptoms seen in both
conditions with that seen in the controls. Subluxations and recurrent
tendinitis were significantly more frequent in JHS patients than in VEDS
patients. Marfanoid habitus was seen in 14% of JHS patients. Skin
abnormalities were seen in almost all patients and all controls; some of
these were nonspecific, but others were typical, such as soft, lax, velvety
skin and poor cicatrisation (cheloids and papyraceous scars). The frequency
of hernias and uterine or rectal prolapse was low in JHS and VEDS patients
(12% and 28%, respectively), but was higher in both patient groups than in
controls (6%).
Table 1. Comparison of joint mobility and affected
tissues between patients with joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS), patients
with vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (VEDS), and controls, using the
Brighton criteria for diagnosis* |
* Values are the number (%) of subjects satisfying the
criteria ([11]).
NS = not significant. |
In our evaluations, we noted the typical facial appearance of JHS
(Figure 2A)
and the hand
holding the head sign
(Figure 2B).
This included marked flexion of the MCP and wrist joints, and hyperextension
of the fingers when holding the head during the interview. Severe
complications observed in the patients were cerebral aneurysm in 1 of 18 VEDS
patients (6%), spontaneous pneumothorax in 2 of 230 JHS patients (0.9%) and
in 2 of 18 VEDS patients (11%), and gravid uterus rupture in 2 of the 17 VEDS
patients evaluated (12%).
Figure 2. Phenotype of joint
hypermobility syndrome (JHS). A, In addition to the listed typical
facial characteristics of JHS ([21]),
other features that have been described previously are drooping eyelids and
antimongoloid slant, as noted in the Brighton criteria. B, |
Other findings were blue sclera (Figure 1),
flat foot, moderate and severe osteopenia and osteoporosis, dysautonomia,
dyslipidemia, scoliosis, nasal cartilage abnormality, early osteoarthritis,
and Raynaud's phenomenon (Table 2).
Blue sclera was present in almost all of the JHS patients (97%) and VEDS
patients (94%). Among the controls (Table 3),
blue sclera was identified in 43% of subjects (P < 0.05).
Table 2. Frequency of signs and symptoms not included
in the Brighton criteria* |
* Values are the number (%) of subjects. See Table 1
for definitions. |
Table 3. Blue sclera and hypermobility in control
subjects* |
* Except where indicated otherwise, values are the % of
subjects. |
The most probable explanation for the very high proportion of positive
findings by the Brighton criteria in controls is that, indeed, in the
population studied there were a high number of patients with JHS (39%) who
have not been diagnosed. Since this is not a well-known condition, people and
physicians are unaware of its presence.
Most authors agree that JHS has Autosomal dominant inheritance, but in
many cases the disease appears as a result of mutations observed in one
family. No specific mutation has so far been found for JHS. Mutations in
COL3A1 result in vascular-type EDS. Recently, Zweers et al ([22-24])
suggested that a Tenascin-X mutation could well be a candidate for joint
hypermobility. Those authors believe that complete or partial deficiency
(haploinsufficiency) of Tenascin-X can result in 2 distinct hereditary CTDs
in which hypermobility is present, indicating that Tenascin-X has an
essential role in the mechanical properties of skin, ligaments, and tendons
We have proposed a theory ([25][26])
that a lack of folic acid during the periconceptional period could, by
altering genetic DNA, produce a weaker collagen, similar to what happens in
neural tube defects. The fact that JHS has a higher prevalence in Chile and
probably also in other Latin populations could be attributable to the higher
frequency of polymorphisms of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase in these populations
(40%) compared with that in most other communities (10-20%) ([27-29]).
This polymorphism reduces the enzyme activity by 50%, thus increasing the
folic acid requirement. Reinforcing our theory, Lucock recently demonstrated
that elevated homocysteine levels due to a lack of folic acid can chelate
copper, thus changing its properties, and can inhibit the lysyl oxidase
enzyme, which alters the collagen and elastin links, producing weakness of
the collagen tissues ([30]).
This also appears to be important in the pathogenesis of the osteoporosis seen
in patients with hereditary CTDs. Recent population studies done in
Framingham, Massachusetts ([31])
and Rotterdam, The Netherlands ([32]),
with more than 2,000 patients in each, showed the predictive value of
homocysteine levels as a fracture risk in osteoporosis. In Japan, Sato et al
showed a statistically significant reduction of hip fracture after treatment
with folic acid and vitamin B12 when compared with placebo in 628 patients
with hemiplegia secondary to stroke.
When included in the clinical evaluation, JHS is a very frequent
diagnosis made in rheumatological consultation worldwide (35%). However, it
is even higher in our practice (80%), since we have become a referral center
for these conditions ([34]).
JHS patients with arthralgias often receive a wrong diagnosis. We consider it
important to emphasize that it is possible to have JHS or VEDS in association
with other rheumatic conditions. Knowing how to diagnose these patients helps
to avoid diagnostic confusion. It is interesting that in some cases, we had
difficulty in the differential diagnosis of pelvispondylarthropathy (PEA) and
JHS. The former is characterized by musculoskeletal stiffness, whereas JHS
has the feature of hypermobility. The problem arises in that both conditions
can manifest with chronic back pain, chondrocostal pain, and joint stiffness,
in conjunction with inactivity, enthesitis, and arthralgias. In a study of
patients with hereditary CTDs, we found that bone Scintigraphy was a useful
technique for diagnosing JHS, but not for the differential diagnosis of PEA
Since chronic pain, chronic fatigue (dysautonomia), and trigger points
(enthesitis) are
features of both Fibromyalgia (FM) and JHS, it is our opinion that many
patients diagnosed as having FM could indeed have JHS.
The JHS group included 14% of patients with marfanoid habitus. We
mainly see patients with JHS and only a few patients with other types of EDS,
because JHS is extremely frequent and also because of the referral pattern in
our rheumatology practice. Patients are referred to us mainly because of the
symptoms of arthralgias, tendinitis, bursitis, back pain, osteoporosis, and
hypermobility. Cardiologists and vascular surgeons will evaluate patients
with MFS and VEDS when vascular complications are present. Patients with OI
are seen mainly by traumatologists, and only because fractures are present.
The facial appearance typical of VEDS is well known ([18]).
We have previously described the typical facial appearance of JHS ([21])
(Figure 2A),
which has helped us to recognize the diagnosis of JHS. The facial
characteristics of VEDS and JHS have some similarities, but with experience,
they are easily distinguishable. Patients with VEDS have sunken eyes, a thin
upper lip, and lack of facial fatty tissue. Both conditions can be
characterized by a triangular face. We have also found that observing the way
patients hold their head with the hand, during the interview, facilitates the
diagnosis of JHS; we have termed this the hand holding the head sign
(Figure 2B).
VEDS is fairly infrequent, and in this study, only 7% of the patients were
diagnosed as having VEDS, including 6 who belonged to the same family. Since
these are hereditary diseases, patients with JHS or VEDS at any age were
evaluated. Both conditions were seen more frequently in female subjects.
As stated in the literature, the Beighton score ([10])
by itself proved to be insufficient for the diagnosis of JHS, since a
positive Beighton score was present in only 65% of JHS patients and in 17% of
VEDS patients. As is already known ([36]),
VEDS patients were shown to be less hypermobile than JHS patients; they had a
higher percentage of negative Beighton scores (83%) compared with JHS
patients (35%), and this difference was statistically significant (P
< 0.05). If we consider that most Western countries have a frequency of
hypermobility of 10% ([4]),
the fact that 23% of normal controls in this study had a positive Beighton
score indicates a higher prevalence of hypermobility. This was further
noticeable with the finding that 39% of these controls were positive by the
Brighton criteria, indicating a high prevalence of undiagnosed JHS in the
control group.
Despite the fact that the Brighton criteria have been criticized
because of lack of reliability, we used it with the idea that it had already
been validated by Grahame et al ([10])
for people older than age 16 years, and with the intention that it would be
easier for comparison with the findings of other studies, since these
criteria are widely used. There are other very reliable diagnostic methods,
including the Rotes criteria ([37])
and the Hospital del Mar (Barcelona) criteria. Bulbena et al added 6 more
areas of study to these criteria, creating a more complete joint evaluation
These criteria have a different cutoff point for women and men, since women
tend to have more positive signs than do men. These more complete and
validated criteria have been used extensively in Latin countries and in
studies from Spain.
In Table 1,
we did not separate men and women when applying the Brighton criteria,
because the VEDS group had 17 women and only 1 man, whereas in the JHS group,
79% were women. We also did not separate the subjects by age, which is
another factor in laxity, because 92% of the JHS patients and 100% of the
VEDS patients were older than age 20 years.
When comparing joint mobility between the control group, the patients
with JHS, and the patients with VEDS, we found that the most mobile joints in
all groups were the MCPs and the hands laid flat on the floor. As expected,
these mobile joints were significantly more frequent in JHS patients than in
controls. Table 1
shows a comparison of the signs and symptoms seen in the controls, JHS
patients, and VEDS patients, recognized by applying the Brighton criteria.
Subluxations and recurrent tendinitis were significantly more common in the
JHS patients as compared with the VEDS patients. Moreover, these symptoms, in
addition to arthralgias, back problems, and marfanoid habitus, were more
significant in the JHS patients than in the controls. The percentage of
adolescents with marfanoid habitus has increased in Chile and in other parts
of the world; this is interesting, since this body habitus constitutes a
minor criterion of the Brighton criteria. The reason to include this feature
in the Brighton criteria is that subjects with marfanoid habitus have JHS,
with their usual signs and symptoms, including early osteoporosis. The
incidence of hernias and uterine or rectal prolapse was low in both the JHS
and the VEDS patients (12% and 28%, respectively), but higher than in
controls (6%), probably because of tissue fragility.
It is well known that patients with hereditary CTDs may have
osteoporosis, but this problem has not been well studied in JHS. It is
important to note that low bone mineral density was encountered quite
frequently both in the JHS patients (26%) and in the VEDS patients (50%).
Densitometry is usually not requested in young patients. We have seen
osteoporosis in male and female subjects as young as 13 years old.
We identified early osteoarthritis in 6% of JHS patients and 11% of
VEDS patients. We agree with other authors in that, in general,
osteoarthritis is more frequent and occurs at an earlier age in patients with
hypermobility; some have seen osteoarthritis occur in up to 60% of patients
compared with 30% of controls ([39][40]).
Chronic joint instability and altered collagen in cartilage are possible
causes of early degenerative joint disease in these patients. One exception
is osteoarthritis of the proximal interphalangeal joints, in which, as noted
by Kraus et al ([41]),
hypermobility appears to be protective.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) imbalance appears frequently in these
patients, causing palpitations, arrhythmias, and dysautonomia. We found that
dysautonomia was frequent both in the JHS patients (23%) and in the VEDS
patients (39%). Dysautonomia is a difficult term to define. The problem is
that there is no definite agreement on how to study the ANS. A recent
European survey revealed the difficulty in interpreting results from so many
different diagnostic tests, in which different equipment and different
laboratory methods are used ([42]).
The upright tilt table test was not regularly done, since it is not practical
and does not provide a definite diagnosis (it has a sensitivity of 75% and
specificity of 88-93%) ([43]).
We suggest that in future studies, a more objective evaluation of
dysautonomia be used, such as the heart rate variability analysis, probably
with the use of a modified tilt table test or other tools to evaluate the
performance of the ANS. Rowe et al ([44])
reported orthostatic intolerance and chronic fatigue syndrome associated with
EDS. Gazit et al studied 48 JHS patients and 30 controls and found
orthostatic hypotension and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome in 78%
of the JHS patients and 10% of the controls ([45]).
It is important to detect dysautonomia, since it appears frequently in these
patients, is very distressing, produces bad quality of life (hypotension,
dizziness, chronic fatigue), and is amenable to treatment.
Although we did not tabulate xerophthalmia and xerostomia, we saw
these features frequently in our patients, causing confusion with Sjögren´s
syndrome (SS). Recently, cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in primary SS
has been reported ([46]).
Therefore, most likely in JHS as well as in primary SS, the decreased
stimulation by the ANS of the salivary and lacrimal glands would produce
xerophthalmia and xerostomia. Dyslipidemia and scoliosis occurred
significantly more frequently in the VEDS patients (33%); these features were
also seen in JHS patients, but with a lower frequency (12%). Flat foot,
usually anterior flat lax foot, was significantly more frequent in VEDS
patients (78%) as compared with JHS patients (30%). Abnormal nasal and ear
cartilage is part of the typical facial appearance of JHS, as described by us
Nasal abnormalities are nonspecific, and in this study, we saw them in 18% of
JHS patients and 22% of VEDS patients. Raynaud's phenomenon was extremely
rare in JHS (2%); if present, it is necessary to rule out cryoglobulinemia or
an associated arthritis, such as Sclerodermia, systemic lupus erythematosus,
or mixed CTD. In VEDS, Raynaud's phenomenon was slightly more frequent (11%).
Although they were not recorded, acrocianosis and vascular fragility were
observed frequently in JHS patients.
The light blue color of the sclera is due to the transparency of this
membrane caused by the lack of collagen, transmitting the choroids plexus
color. All different intensities have the same value when using this feature
in the diagnosis of JHS and VEDS, but a very marked blue sclera should prompt
consideration of the diagnosis of OI. Blue sclera was useful in the diagnosis
of JHS in our subjects (Tables 2,
and 4).
With experience, we have been able to distinguish 3 grades of blue sclera
intensity: light (+), moderate (++), and marked (+++) (Figure 1).
Blue sclerae were more frequent and more intense in female subjects (Tables 3
and 4).
It is no surprise that 43% of the control subjects had blue sclera,
considering that 39% of the controls had JHS. What is noticeable is the high
frequency of blue sclera in the JHS patients (97%; P < 0.05
compared with controls), as seen in Tables 2
and 3.
Since we did not use an objective study of blue sclera in the present study,
we need to be cautious with our conclusions. It is most likely that the
presence of blue sclera is an important sign, but reliability studies are
needed to confirm this. For future studies, we are planning to use the
universal color scale called Pantones colors, which uses codes for shades of
different colors established by worldwide consensus.
Table 4. Comparison of blue sclera color intensity
according to sex in patients with joint hypermobility syndrome* |
* Values are the number (%) of subjects. Note that the
distribution of men and women was different (P < 0.006). |
With regard to severe complications in the patients, it is interesting
to note that none of the 230 JHS patients had cerebral aneurysm or uterine
rupture, and only 2 JHS patients (0.9%) had spontaneous pneumothorax. This
complication was more frequent in VEDS patients (11%). Consistent with
previous descriptions of VEDS as having a more serious prognosis than JHS, we
found that cerebral aneurysm (6%) and gravid uterus rupture (12%) were seen
in VEDS patients, but none of the JHS patients developed these complications.
The typical facial appearance of JHS, as shown in Figure 2A,
was useful in making the diagnosis. With practice and careful observation, we
can recognize these patients by their facial appearance. The most striking
characteristics are blue sclera and the cartilage changes in the ears and
nose. The way they hold their head with extreme flexion of the MCP joints and
wrists or with hyperextension of the fingers helps in the diagnosis of JHS
(Figure 2B).
The asthenic and marfanoid habitus features that are evident in some of the
patients also help in the consideration of JHS as a possible diagnosis,
particularly if the subject has back pain, scoliosis, pectus excavatum,
prominent lower ribs, or lumbar hyperlordosis.
In conclusion, we have shown that JHS, a forme fruste of the classic
hereditary CTD, is a very frequent rheumatic condition that usually goes
undiagnosed. The JHS typical facial appearance and the hand holding the head
sign are helpful in considering the diagnosis of JHS. We have shown that it
is possible to distinguish different degrees of blue sclera. The absence of
arthralgias does not rule out the diagnosis of JHS or VEDS, since they were
absent in half of the patients. The presence of JHS does not exclude the
possibility of an associated arthritis. Dysautonomia, early osteopenia, and
osteoporosis are frequently seen, both in JHS and in VEDS, and usually go
undiagnosed in young patients. We recommend that these features be considered
in the evaluation. We suggest that the presence of Raynaud's phenomenon in
JHS should indicate the need to rule out an associated arthritis or
cryoglobulinemia. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the frequency of
dyslipidemia, acrocianosis, vascular fragility, xerophthalmia, and
xerostomia, which were frequently seen in JHS. Severe complications can occur
more frequently in patients with VEDS as compared with patients with JHS,
including spontaneous pneumothorax, cerebral aneurysm, and gravid uterus
rupture. Spontaneous pneumothorax can also be seen in JHS.
Finally, we agree with the findings in the literature that some JHS
patients do not have hypermobility and yet still fulfill the Brighton
criteria for JHS, and that the Beighton score alone is inadequate for the
diagnosis of JHS. Further research is needed to better differentiate FM from
JHS. We recommend that a validated hypermobility criteria set (i.e., the Brighton
criteria or the Hospital del Mar criteria) be routinely used in the
evaluation of rheumatology patients. Further studies are needed to determine
why JHS is so frequent in Chile.
We thank M. Paz Arteaga, MD and Leila S. Coelho, BS for their initial help in this study. We also thank all of the patients who participated in the study.